FDB_hiroshima FDB_hiroshima@fediverse.blog

Open on fediverse.blog

One of the Plume developers.


Serge Tarkovski @pioneer@mastodon.social

Python, paragliding, socionics, electric unicycles. With ❤️ from Ukraine.

Gidi Kroon @GidiKroon@mastodon.social

Posting about actresses and tv series I'm a fan of. Some tech and politics in between.

A kind (of) writer @mareklach@mastodon.xyz

A #reader interested in #writing modernist #fiction. Rather inept in practicality.

北市真 @KitaitiMakoto@bookwor.ms

Likes Ruby and Rust. Contributing #Plume, a federated bloggin app.

Malendur @malendur@ussr.win

Gidi Kroon @gidi@friendica.gidikroon.eu

TV addict, science fiction enthusiast, proud inhabitant of Earth (our only home).

Trying to show support for films, tv series, actresses and musicians I admire. Posting some tech and politics in between.

There's nothing wrong with fighting for social justice. Black Lives Matter. Gender equality. Fight for a sustainable use of environmental resources.

Posts by me are published cc-by, so they may be shared, boosted, reposted, reblogged, retweeted, etc. Posts and/or photos by others that I share remain copyright by the respective owners.

م Ady LM @ady_luimeme@octodon.social

Moroccan in his 20s.

cars ✿ blog posts ✿ pop music ✿ darija ✿ trains ✿ pictures ✿ 3D-modeling ✿ learning languages ✿ cibtor ✿ cela aussi passera

My blog: http://ady-et-les-automobiles.eklablog.com/

Please introduce yourself before following. I may not accept your follow request.

PP: @kaerhon

#maghreb_united 🇲🇦🇩🇿🇹🇳

Guillaume @guilg@mastodon.social

PhD ~student~ in neuroscience in Paris.
Free, libre open source software and decentralization enthusiast.
French & english spoken

Scandroid @scandroid@fediverse.blog

Ich mag regelleichtes Rollenspiel, Science-Fiction und Musik. Mitglied in der Deutschen Lovecraft Gesellschaft.

Tom Goldoin @tgoldoin@plume.deuxfleurs.fr

Aussi sur Twitter

Guillaume @guilg@mycrowd.ca

atomkarinca @atomkarinca@fe.disroot.org