Benjamin Kwiecień :eo:

Open on

🌍 Esperantist, educator, and amateur linguist
📚 BA in Persian language and literature
🎙️ Host of Gemini Radio 💁
➡️ gemini://
⚠️ Warning: GoToSocial is currently in alpha; my profile may not be accurate when viewed remotely



Southern California born Desi with a passion for the outdoors, rc aviation and social reform.


Peter Paterson - SolusSpider (AKA: MintSpider)
Scotsman in KY. Married.
Believer in Jesus Christ
Linux User: Solus & PCLinuxOS
Food Banker: Procurement & Reporting
MissionAssist Volunteer Keyboarding Member
#Christian #Linux #FoodBank #MissionAssist #fedi22

Helioso Novako

Saluton. Mi estas komencanta esperantisto kaj doktora studento. Mi loĝas en Usono, sed mi eble volas foriri. Mi ŝatas lerni pri fungoj, ludi videoludoj, kaj mia kato. Li nomiĝas Bakisto (Baker). Mi havas koramikon-- ne, ne havas koramikinon. Parolu al mi, sed estu pacienca.

🇺🇸 | 🏳️‍🌈 | 🍄 | 🔬 | 🎮 | 🐈 | 🖋️


Father, husband, obsessive tinker. Progressive, skeptic, secular humanist.

Perennially interested in all kinds of crafts, especially tech projects. Linux, Android, retro stuff, home based and hosted microservices, niche gaming. I work in the hybrid cloud k8s space.

My degree is in musical theatre. I like to sing and play guitar. I volunteer with the Outdoor Service Guides and enjoy camping with them.

My views are my own.


Tad Lispy

Web dev, happy ex-lawyer, contrarian 🤕 Based between #Amsterdam and #Utrecht. An #Internet enthusiast also interested in people, #sailing and appeltaart.


Writer interested in socialism, complexity science and the philosophy of religion / secular spirituality. Red Enlightenment is coming 2023 on Repeater Books, following Shock Doctrine of the Left (2018, Polity). Also writing utopian #scifi novel


BA Linguistics, MA Eng Lit, PhD From School of Hard Knocks


Hi! I'm Andinus, I like learning.


Nie rozumiem mediów społecznościowych. Po co to komu?

Karen Simpson

Grew up to the sound of the 56K.

Into computers, #books, #outdoors, #traveling.

Not into any kind of extremism, no matter how trendy. Not interested in US politics but their foreign policy seems to take an interest on everything.

Curious about #anarchoSyndicalism, #poliamory, #asteroidMining, built-to-last tech & #rightToRepair, #nuclearEnergy, #selfHosted software, #gemini & the #smallWeb.

Not a people person. FYI i've never used the bird site.

James (

Owner of Pixel Refresh - #Gaming, #Gadgets & #Technology - Both Modern & #RetroGaming

Dr. Gaming Power :verified:

This is my fun social media account, I will post a lot of video game stuff (mostly old or cloud gaming) and some work stuff.

If I post an image with no Alt text it is because the image is just there for decoration and doesn't provide any extra meaning to the toot.

#gaming #tech #latino #uk

Mi aventura: