
Open on

Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them


matthew (NB0X)

Electrical Engineer, Systems Engineer, ASIC/FPGA Design
Astronomy - Music - Aviation - Ham Radio

QTH New Mexico


christyotwisty 🇨🇦

Flaneuse, widow, geocacher, reader, listless epistles and glazomaniac.

Fountain pens, sunshine, wordplay, puzzles, coffee, traditional foods, lounge, nostalgia.
interested in authenticity, vulnerability, multiculturalism, food, friendship, literature.


Kinky autistic asexual ADHD white enby trans girl. Lover of feminine folk. Compulsive programmer. Weekend furry. Wannabe artist.

I mainly post selfies, mental health crises and random thoughts about sex, kink, love and transness. Occasionally I might post about my projects, but don't hold out for it.

Anti-capitalist, anti-state and taken 💜

pamela :flan_butterfly:

co-admin/moderator for
artist by trade, commissions closed

(Sept 2022: health isn't great, please don't DM instance things to me unless they can wait)

makes cute things :flan_flowers:
loves nature, games, learning ... and you!
Please don't remove CWs for replies

Greg Koenig

UC Santa Cruz

The official Mastodon account of the University of California, Santa Cruz. Go Slugs!


Standard output through Prague.
Writing, drawing, painting, programming, translating and retro-computing.

"Unix child of Czech surrealism"

Posts in cz/en. I only post things I personally authored.



be free curious and kind

Yuki is moving!!!

Software dev by day, author by night.

#amwriting my first #scifi novel, donations welcome!

Plz msg b4 following.

* @yuki2501

Suspect Nemesis ☢️

#BlackLivesMatter. Always.

Instigator of #DemoSunday. #NoMansSky cultist. Does things in #Infosec with people; to things.

Amiga hacker. Artisanal packet-slinging as a service. Dungeoneer. Traveller. Not a joiner. Currently a miniature painter. Sort of backing into being a book collector Poly.

Posts older than 1 month are deleted.



It's me, just with glittery hair :D
