
Open on

Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them



chronically ill and generally confused maker / programmer / crafter / analog lifer

see for more


Mystery Babylon

Black, Trans, & Workers' Lives Matter

🧿 Main Account 🧿

infosec n00b
& queer SFF text-game writer

white / 40s / transmasculine
emigration / GRS / self-tattooing / cats
friend of Blahaj

"It is how we choose what we do, and how we approach it, that determines whether the sum of our days adds up to a formless blur, or to something resembling a work of art."
-Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

You're always welcome to follow-request or ask for CWs!

On Mastodon since Sept. 2018
Toots lifespan: 1 month

Sir Garbagetruck

Not on fire

Am I gonna recognize you right away by your name? If you're a demoscener, likely, or you're from one of my past lives.

If not, You _gots_ to give me a reason why you wanna follow.

See here:


I'm a crusty old nerd who chases bright shiny things and loves playing with old computers :) Especially my Atari 800XL and Amiga.

I build castles in the cloud(s) for a living.


⚠ If you want to follow, please interact first. Just say hello, really, whatever.

Previously,,, and others

Content here is keyboards (I make em), 3d printing, tech shit (coding, sysadmin). And lots, lots of profanity and sarcasm.

I am certifiably crazy so expect mental health content.

21+ only

All content expires whenever I feel like it.

alice is not ergo.

endgame is a conspiracy.

#nobot #nobots #noarchive #noindex


⚠ If you want to follow, please interact first. Just say hello, really, whatever.

Content here is keyboards (I make em), 3d printing, tech shit (coding, sysadmin). And lots, lots of profanity and sarcasm.

I am certifiably crazy so expect mental health content.

21+ only

All content expires whenever I feel like it.

alice is not ergo.

endgame is a conspiracy.

#nobot #nobots #noarchive #noindex


Infosec anarchist trans lady in the pacific northwest. I love technology, and I hate the tech sector.

#SheHer #Anarchist #AntiRacist

Slowly migrating from Once I feel like GTS is stable enough I will likely migrate fully. I plan to be a bit stricter with follow requests here, but feel free to request one.

Also, GTS doesn't support the Mastodon migration settings. So, I can't easily transfer followers and such. So, it's gonna be manual.

Polymer Witch

I've been an #anarchist for decades. Sometimes I make #music. I work in #Infosec. I'm highly critical of the #technology industry, and spend my work telling people why using any particular #tech product is bad.

I live in #Portland, OR.

I love #repair -ing #retro tech and #diy

I haven't been on Twitter for years (other than sockpuppets for osint). You don't know me from there.

hot pink bitch named breakfast

vanta 🖤 she/her, they/them, enby girl 🖤 26 years old 🖤 seattle 🖤 anarcho-communist 🖤 a forest of carbon nanotubes 🖤 rogue video editor extraordinaire 🖤 full-fledged cybersleuth archivist 🖤 I GO THROUGH MY FOLLOWS TO FOLLOW BACK PERIODICALLY 🖤

formerly @vantablack 🖤 old post count: 126,529 🖤 joined masto june 2017 🖤


Natalie 🏳️‍⚧️☕

Hihi, Natalie here.

I'm a trans, non-binary, kinky, ace, neuro-divergent, white programmer. I do my best to seek out information, to listen and to learn. I occasionally post about identity, my trash mental health and my unfinished projects. But, mostly expect random selfies and things going on in my life.

Some of my posts will be about sex, potentially kinky, lewd or tmi, but I enjoy it as a topic.

I am anti-capitalist, anti-state and taken 💜 No flirting please.

madcap :hackers_town:

Not every geek with a Commodore 64 can hack into NASA.

Willard Goosey

old computer nerd, car guy, science fiction and fantasy fan, cat lover