
Open on

Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them




art alt of @erosdiscordia

◼️ ◾▪️ ink puddles
◻️ ◽▫️ mail art
◼️ ◾▪️ monoprints
◻️ ◽▫️ photography

Virginia || Scotland


Apache, born in a monastery, Oblate (Obl. O.S.B.), Schizo. I have three close friends who don't exist. Demi-male, and all three others are male. Any pronoun is acceptable.


The fixer (he/him), sometimes the broken, sometimes the breaker. Read my gopherhole for the rest - I can only fit so many keystrokes here, or, you know,... pull my finger.

My finger daemon holds many secrets. You definitively should try and find them all.

W6AIT - Donovan

Technician Licensed in Feb '22, Upgrade to General May '22.
Joined local #MDARC club
Currently building/testing Antennas for #POTA #SOTA and #Fieldday2022
#CW / #Morse in 2023?
Outside of radio, #father #gardening #sportingclays #camping & #dvorak going on 16years

Hiro :neocat_cofe: 🐾

I'm a #Linux and #Emacs learner. Love 2D games like #CataclysmDDA .
I am
#bilingual 2.5 languages to be exact.
🇯🇵 #Japanese (fluent)
🇺🇲 English (fluent-ish) and
🇪🇸🇵🇪 #Spanish (intermediate: good at listening, poor speaking)

I would renote (boost) cute posts like
#cats, #dogs, #birds and more!
This is "English" main account but post in Japanese and boost Japanese posts occasionally.

If you send your follow request, I will check your profile, posts and comments so I can see who you are first.


Cute kitty profile picture is from the art created by! and cropped by me.

Hiro :verify:

#Emacs :emacs:

日本生まれ、ペルー育ち、米国で10年越えの ATCK 。

🇯🇵 fluent
🇺🇲 fluent
🇪🇸🇵🇪 intermediate

時々 #Emacs から利用できるミニマニズム•クライアント mastodon.el で心休めながらマストドン楽しめます。

@hnb#Vivaldi 鯖に遊びにいってます

The profile picture is made by quick Es ( @Quick )

Elokitty creates AIArt

Hi, there! 🐾

Please interact with me or DM before requesting to follow so I know you're not a bot. Ty! 😌

Xennial Photographer & Poet since '99, later into Trad Art, Art Crafts & more.

🌈 Delving into AiArt since Feb 22 ✨

* She, Her; They, Them * #NoBot


Game dev, indie producer

I make under-a-rock music for bugs:

Creatrix Tiara

that chick on mastodon who got harassed for speaking about racism. 2022 threw curveballs and now I could use a new bio! Current interests: bringing together video games and performance art, immersive experiential design, post Covid recovery in arts and society


Post-anarchist egalitarian furry

Digital nomad, eternal wanderer

I have a deep knowledge of:
small and medium-scale batteries (handheld to ~10 kWh range)
Travel and small-medium scale logistics

I have an interest in:
Electric and hybrid-electric vehicles
custom mech keyboards
off-grid power systems

Seth "Twylo" Morabito

Senior engineer and full time remote teleworker. In my spare time I write emulators. Retrocomputing, networking, linguistics, and electronics hacking.