tobi (they/them) is writing bugs :terminal_cursor:

Open on

Queer, trans, dev, etc etc.

This my superseriousbusiness account, where I post about :go_to_social: GoToSocial :go_to_social: development etc, and occasionally test things.

I'll probably end up ranting about code or trying to post progress updates and stuff.

Feel free to follow, but if you want official GtS updates, follow @gotosocial instead :)

The custom CSS for my profile is here -- -- feel free to take it, use it, adapt it, whatever :)

My header image is the Windows XP field background.

My avatar image is a picture of me at a table shrugging dramatically while wearing wicked sweet sunglasses.


alice cho timken

perfect another platform I don’t know how to use. 🔦⚖️ judicial politics #polisci phd @ SU’s Maxwell School. Toots my own 💨

Zoë Bijl

Queer gender neutral web accessibility spec lady 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️. Pronouns: they/she. White.

🌱 Love the earth
🔬 Love science
🛰 Love space
💕 Love you

Please avoid male and supposedly neutral words such as: dude, pal, and buddy.

Toots auto-delete after set time.

Queer account: @moiety

Micah Corah

Roboticist. Postdoc in the CMU AirLab. Applying for academic jobs. I study aerial robotics, multi-robot systems, and autonomous mapping and perception. I enjoy rock climbing, bike rides, and heavy music.


Unity in Diversity

she/her white old abl.bod mom ger/eng

love trees, music+dance, bratkartoffeln

Grassroots, DIY, Community Work, Power to the People

depressive realist, survivor, ads/aut?

#Zapatistas #EZLN #Rojava #Jineoloji #Sankara#Decolonize #DebtForClimate #Reparations #EndWhiteSupremacy #NoWhiteFeminism #ProtectTransSW #mosstodon

no intro/bio/toots = no follow


I deliberately worked in tech for ~5 years while living cheap to save over 70% of my salary, then quit.

Now instead of working 9-5 I spend a lot of time supporting cyberia computer club and the Layer Zero hackerspace in Minneapolis, MN

I dream of a world where even the "power user" use-cases of computers, like hosting services for your community or creating your own tools, are easy enough to be considered "fun" and somewhat culturally normalized. When I have the energy, I try to build that dream.



Moved to - @AuroraDuggal

🏳️‍⚧️ data science, ethical tech, digital safety

ned zed

island kid. he / him.

KaCi :infinity_rainbow:

Autistic, intersectional feminist, anarchist, avid reader, Information Architect, Trekkie, Millennial,
she/her, pan

Header and profile pic contain illustrations coloured red, pink, orange and white. Header shows a crow's head, profile pic a white woman with numbers on her face.

Related hashtags:
#ActuallyAutistic #Neuroqueer #DisabilityJustice #Neurodiversity #Autigender #CovidIsNotOver


Hey y’all! I’m a novice #Scuba enthusiast, thus, the ocean pics in my profile. I’m very new to the Fediverse, so please let me know if I go astray! While I’m not a techie, I am always interested in learning more. I’m more of a “clicktronics” kinda girl….I click on things until it fixes the problem or starts to smoke. 🤣 I joined because I believe in #privacy (as much as possible on the web) and I like all of the rules here.

benjamin melançon

Web dev in a worker coop: Fighting for greatest power possible for all people over our own lives-- soon. Meantime, i try to do no harm.


#Twitterrefugee 🌊🇺🇸🗽⚖️🕊️🏳️‍🌈