DysphoricUnicorn dysphoricunicorn@fedi.dysphoric.space

Open on fedi.dysphoric.space

Very queer (relationship) anarchist tech worker who also has interests that don't involve their work.

New profile since cybre.space is going down. Old account was @DysphoricUnicorn@cybre.space

Pronouns: nin/nins, they/them or she/her


dani little ponie :transgender_flag:​ @00dani@elekk.xyz

hi, nice to meet you~! i'm danielle, a trans lesbian, passionately intersectional feminist, and adorable pony! also white but antiwhiteness!! feel free to send a follow req c:

Rad4day @rad4day@chaos.social

Macht lustige Dinge mit Kubernetes und Ansible.

Coffee Nerd brewing tea in a French press.

Slay The System @SlaytheSystem@kolektiva.social

ember @n0emis@chaos.social

ɹǝǝnb :new_rainbow_flag: | pan :pansexual_flag: :lesbian_flag: enby :nonbinary_flag:

Be warned, this account is mostly used for shitposts.

Mosly german content, sometimes english

pawlowa @pawlowa@sonomu.club

queer anarchist enby from Leipzig, bass player and musicologist, boardgamepunk and accountant, parent, 161, bipolar, CET

Sivizius @_sivizius@chaos.social

B.Sc. | mag 🦦 und @fluepke | studiert Chemie | 🌈pan💖💛💙 | 🇮🇱:antifa: :nonbinary_flag: | #Organometallics👨‍🔬 #Rust🦀 #NixOS #ADHS | DMs sind offen

duncan @balrogboogie@rage.love

I may not be well versed in leftist theory but I will do the dishes

i mostly post shit about lefty politics, guitar, music, languages, and computers

profile is locked but I accept nearly all follow requests


avatar is Chris Hannah from Propagandhi

Kiki @flauschzelle@chaos.social

Flauschzelle, die: besonders kuschelige Lebensform mit Hang zu Wortspielen und utopischen Ideen. F. sind Herdentiere und neigen zur Bildung von Flauschhaufen.

EldritchDoe @rosa@weirder.earth

Human-shaped Entity 👾

Works in IT now for some reason 👩‍💻

Trans, Queer, Polyam, Neurodivergent (ADHD), Leftist ✨

thetrakynia @thetrakynia@kolektiva.social

they/them, bi

clueless artist teching the tech


Elia 🏳️‍⚧️️ @KopfKrieg@queer.group

Transfeminines Chaos-Enby >^.^< | Cuddly | *meow* | Neurodivers - Autismus & AD(H)S | Kinky | Polyam | Bi+sexual | ~30yo

Scheitert im Leben so voran. Angeblich sehr flauschig.

Macht Dinge mit Python und Golang, vorwiegend unter Linux.

Isst viel und gerne vegetarisch & vegan.

Profilbild wurde von der wunderbaren @Fuchskind gezeichnet

Für Folgeanfragen diesen Post beachten: https://queer.group/@KopfKrieg/110356731560412984

The Gentle Klingon @TheGentleKlingon@weirder.earth

[Recently moved from eldritch.cafe]

Loading Starfleet personnel file...
Age 30+, Pronouns he/him, Planet Qo'noS.
Languages: Urdu, Hindi, Gujarati, English, French (très peu).
Misc: vegetarian, #Zoroastrian, Canadian.

Header image: USS Enterprise zooms thru space.
Profile image: It's me with short black hair, a bit of stubble, grinning at the camera.

Follow requests welcome! Locked to stop bots.
Joined July 30, 2019.
#nobot #nosearch