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Sophie Jane

Older. Trans. She/her


A teacher of students learning the English language. Always looking to improve and open to unsolicited advice.
Warning: if provoked, might offer tech support.



root vegetable and fungus admirer

veteran cringe poster

most posts are privated, feel free to follow request

they/she, nonbinary, 26, grey ace/aro, polyam, a lot of trauma and dysmorphia posting


glitter and consternation

sifting through the madness for the word, the line, the way

MS Epidemiology student.
Also technically still a PhD candidate in Philosophy. (It's 'metaphysicist', not 'metaphysician'.)

Other things about me: poetry, comparative mythology, astrology, linguistics, genealogy, fantasy, etc.

Nonbinary & genderfluid & pan & poly-ish.

My pronouns are they/she; but please stick to 'they' unless I've given you permission to use 'she'.

ADHD + other acronyms

Different Colours

I'm D; cis bi guy he/him.

I like information security, systems administration, DevOps. I've been around the IT industry for decades in various roles; now I'm not sufficiently specialist to do anything other than be a manager.

I used to do politics but got better. Still a liberal. I enjoy video gaming, and quite a lot of Marvel stuff but I hope I'm not too boring about either.

I live in Manchester, UK with my partners Erik and QMB. I mostly post puns, selfies, and pictures of our dog Gary.


Plant mage. MECFS (slow onset) & disabled, spoonie. White cishet. Loves pre-1660 British history. Also loves cats. I enjoy colouring in (low spoon activity): see #GwenfarColours posts. Anarchist. Formerly lived on the lands of the Woiworung & Boonwurrung peoples, Melbourne. Trans rights = human rights. #FreePalestine.

This is my general musings, colouring, history, & political alt. Also, learning Welsh.

My plant, gardening, food & cooking alt is: @GwenfarsGarden

Hooman to @FreyaKitteh

wolfie 💀[alt]


Mid 30s, White British, childfree, bi ace aro queer, veggie, polyamorous, agender, 69 inches tall

Hampshire, UK

Pets: Snake (Royal Python) 🐍 (albino enchi morph) and 2 types of Giant African Land Snails 🐌

Before you follow: this is my alt, see links list for my main!

#Wordle stats: as of 517 (18/11) current streak 19 | last X/6 498 (30/10) | max streak 93

Obligate #LightTheme User

trans rights are human rights

avatar from:
header: my photo, moon reflecting on sea

on mastodon since Nov 2016

L.J. is literally the ____

L.J., 43 year old Korean mom, translator, writer.

I'm cis woman who will never compromise on trans rights being human rights, and script kiddies who hate transgender people can fuck right off.

The avatar is a gradation of blue and pink blending into violet. Display name is from a comment @maloki made about me, feel free to fill in the blank ;)

See also the pinned posts for my expectations and views.

I Forget

#queer #polyamorous #polytheist #socialist #ActuallyAutistic #geek. #music, #tech, #comics, #ttrpg, #gardening and #permaculture newbie. white, working to be anti-racist. she. iu590

Jay :heart_ace:

Gender = not applicable. Not human, not anything else either. Writes poetry sometimes. White. Disabled, severely chronically ill, ND. Perpetually low on spoons, mostly interacts through faves and boosts. I'll probably reply to your toots 2+ days later.

Feel free to ask for cws or other accessibility.
Please note I don't distinguish between physical and mental health in cws.

Follow requests welcome.

Qwyrdo, Geometer (& β)

Qwyrdo: Queer trans nonbinary multiple Autistic Buddhist witch. Nerd extraordinaire. Early musician and calligrapher. Cat. Ze/zer or they/them. Probably older than you. I post a lot about living with depression and ASD but occasionally go on about one or more of my special interests.

β: I am a subsystem of Qwyrdo. I am robotic in nature. I help Qwyrdo process their experiences. Pronouns are it/its.

Unmarked posts are by default Qwyrdo. If a post is unlisted or public, it is OK to boost!

Moo the Brynndylow

:moo: 27, disabled, autistic, queer enby. I sew and draw cute whimsical digital art, (18+)

"Just as a person you give off soft brambly hedge vibes" - Tristan