Yule Enby forever@fedi.aroace.space

Open on fedi.aroace.space

I'm Forever (they/them)! I'm a lonely disabled transgender agender aroace who's also grey-platonic and grey-romantic.

Go away if you're a(n):
- Aphobe
- Ableist
- Exclusionist
- “Morals on Internet ≠ real-life morals” person
- Minors DNI person
- Twitter newcomer
- FOSS bro
- “I don't see race, disability, etc.” person
- Person who will lewd or flirt at me
- Person who will call me an anarchist
- Not nice person
- Non-ally/white allocishet
- Police :acab:
Please interact with me and DM me to follow me.

Languages: en, some de, learning sv.

I word things incorrectly sometimes.
I'm a turtle! (on the astral plane, in meatspace I'm just another human)
Jag har Svenska Onsdagar, på onsdagar jag ska toota på svenska :)
I joined fedi on March 26, 2021. I was here a while before this eternal November :)


[:babaKatt:] Gerblin Taffer :heartQVP:⁣:sparkles2: @katnjiapus@toot.site

Monsterp- I mean Toot.site's favorite residental floaty orbcritter~

I do 'dem meepmorps from time to time


Random follow requests with no context (eg never interacted before) will be rejected.

let's all love lain ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Ember :ms_transgender_flag:​ :Blobhaj_Ghostie_Alive:​ @Ember@blobfox.coffee

it/its, she/her (Neopronouns also welcome :3)

Autistic, trans, aroace, furry

Admin of https://blobfox.coffee

:blobfox_heart_trans:​ :blobfox:​ :blobfoxfloof:​ :blobfoxcofecute:​ :BlobhajPrideHeart:​ :BlobhajTransPrideHeart:​

Boosts okay unless specified.

follow requests almost always accepted, provided your profile has some amount of stuff to go off of.

If i ask a question, do not tell me to "read the docs" or "google it", as i have most likely already done so.

Heyo! This is my account on my personal instance, you may know me from @EmberDev

shitpostalotl (they/he) @shitpostalotl@is.nota.live

Internet user and axolotl appreciator
Do not interact: Conservatives, American Libertarians, Fans of Modern-Day China's Government, bigots of any sort
if i ever make a request for phisical affection you can be sure that i mean it platonically. eg cuddleing as shorthand for platonic cuddleing.

Rune, reinscribed :HajShock: @rune@mcd.dk

If you are reading this… congratulations you are alive. If that is not something to smile about, then I don't know what is.

Profile picture is a cutout of a cartoon by FalseKnees. A crow saying "Hey let's go break some stuff".

Posts expire after a month.

introduce yourself b4 follow! @schratze@todon.nl

⚠️ put something in your profile or @ me if you want to follow me ⚠️

Agender. Intersectional anarchism, linguistics, bass, birds, computers, ADHD, other stuff.

Nazis fuck off. Child abusers fuck off. Hatespeech extremists fuck off. Cryptocurrency shills fuck off. Racism apologists fuck off.

Avatar: the body of a precision bass, being played
Header: A collage of reviews by happy followers

Disclosure: white, almost thirty

Not interested in flirting


Goatsucker @nightjar@toot.site

I'm a perfectly crepuscular bird

Mæve 🏳️‍⚧️ @sid@tilde.zone

Hi, I'm Mæve! :)

I like computers, but they don't like me back.

I wish I didn't have to be strong all the time. I just want to be myself.

I'm not good with labels, but here's my curated selection, in case you're looking for mine:

transfem 🏳️‍⚧️, nonbinary, genderfluid, autistic, 18+, demi, pan, poly, regex connaisseuse, toki pona learner, lowercase enthusiast

⚠️ empty profiles, TERFs, …, do not interact

ℹ️ feel free to follow if you're *any* of these:
* queer
* leftist
* artist
* following back

twilight sparkle @confusomu@toot.site

Previously at @ConfuSomu (rip cybre.space)

Your neighbourhood little pony interested in a wide variety of subjects, including computers, science and video games.

Feel free to mix up my pronouns, even switch up my pronouns mid-sentence!

Please only send a follow request if we've interacted before. I will not accept follow requests from empty profiles: please have your pronouns or other info in your profile, things that show that you can be trusted and a few public posts (not boosts).

If I do or say something that's wrong, please tell me and give me a chance before blocking me.

🕯 tomb owl 💀 @owl@gts.u8.is

Ugla frá barrskógabeltinu.
Uggla från tajgan.
Owl from the taiga.

Please interact before sending a follow request. ♥️

I live in Norrland with my heartfriend Krummi and our adopted children.
I like forests, lakes, fells, languages, synths.

🏳️‍⚧️ Agender autist. ♾️

den gröna jultomten @almaember@polyglot.city

Aspiring linguist, coder when they must, and reportedly, a person.

I only accept follow requests if we've interacted twice or thrice already, since I want to only have people I actually interact with on my TL. And DM me first.

Rarely identifies with anything, even if through sheer coincidence, they look like they do.

Feel free to correct mistakes in languages I'm learning! And also, if I get things wrong in general.

Minor, don't be lewd at me


Big bad tax sloth @rune@gts.fedi.tax

If you are reading this… congratulations you are alive. If that is not something to smile about, then I don't know what is.

Sometimes the posts are in Danish.

Slowly moving from: mcd.dk/@rune

Chocosah🍫 @sarahsapphire@eldritch.cafe

My old Eldritch Café account that I sometimes still use for cozy stuff. My real name is Sarah Quartz.

My main: @sarasapfir