Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Personal blog:
Sapoconcha Tradutora
Algo bióloga e moi tradutora (GL, ES, EN).
Adicta a aprender idiomas. As palabras teñen cores.
Ela, ella, she/her, 她.
Bryce Willey
I write software for humans, day job is with access to justice. Biking, Gaming, Fun Graphs.
Feel free to interact! I'm a bit shy sometimes, but am trying to be more outgoing here.
Sash Corpion
Dear rainbow, you're my safe place.
Patrick Perdue
I'm just a guy from North Carolina, transplanted to New York City. Blind, autistic, going deaf. Amateur radio operator, audio editor/sound engineer (as hearing dictates,) pretend to be a musician sometimes.
just a funky lady ☭🏳️⚧️
I mainly post about DIYhrt, Communism, Linux, and Star Trek
tooting from the twercle pit
please interact with a post of mine before following so I can see how you got here.
Read Mao. Drink water.
Header is Kapteyn b
#nobot #nosearch #noindex
Jürgen Hubert
Translates German folk tales.
Me encantan las matemáticas, la música, cacharrear, un buen paseo, y comer!!!
Alon Lischinsky
Corpus linguist slash discourse analyst
Scholar of smut and sexual cultures
Senior Lecturer and union rep at Oxford Brookes University
Godless unpatriotic neurotic radical left pervert
They/them // elle/le // זיי/זייער
#CorpusLinguistics #DiscourseAnalysis #PornStudies #CorpusStylistics #TransStudies
I make things with computers · they/them
avatar description: a yellow smiling blob in front of a blue sky with clouds 🙂
Hablando #Guaraní #español y #português.
Viviendo en la Triple Frontera.
Lector, conversador, curioso.
Cumpliendo sueños y metas a cada paso.
Estudiante, y Pesquisador / Investigador de la Unila en historia horal y vida lingüística y literatura comparada.
...El patriotismo es la virtud de los deprevados..
(Oscar Wilde)
fanta ☑️
I like eat bread and freeSoftware.
I write at and goof around at Saturdays at 12:00 UTC+1 in the morning.