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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Personal blog:


Moisés González


Hi! I'm Talon.
I post little, lurk often.
I make music sometimes. Mostly electronic.
I code stuff.
I also work on audio games in my free time. I'm fascinated by 3D sound and accessibility.
Visually impaired.
I also read occasionally. Mostly fantasy-related genres.

Joshua F. Gonzales

Civil defense attorney. Coder. Server administrator. Filipino expat. Licensed to practice law in California and Washington, but not licensed to drive. I run D&D games on self-hosted Foundry VTT. Seattle-based.

Jesús Pavón Abián

Accesibilidad, Tecnología, Rol, Libros, Música. Friki.


huge #nerd and cool-ass #bitch. #vegan #transhumanist, lefty market #anarchist, moral realist and friend of #entropy.

does #graphics and #language and #math and software (mostly #js) sometimes, speaks #english, #german and neglegable amounts of #lojban.


Rynhardt Kruger

Blind programmer and researcher in voice computing, developing speech applications for the South African context. Passionate about open source, the open web, accessibility and disability rights. Kidney transplant 2019-07. I also enjoy reading (especially high fantasy and sci-fi), dancing (ballroom and latin), tinkering with sound, good coffee, and good beer.

Wil James

Assistive Tech geek, charcoal griller, humours, sports nut, and who the hell knows what else!


Lit grad | #Books | #Movies | #Writing

Please ignore my typos and bad grammar.


Blind fanfiction lover (MLP or Harry Potter), settled on mastodon as my home. Professional toots live @fastfinge, casual stuff lives here.


Flash mob survivor.

All content licensed under CC BY-NC.


La libertad se mide en la que le respetas a los demás.

hablante de #castellano #catalán #inglés y, si puedo, #portugués

Samuel Proulx

I'm the Accessibility Evangelist at Fable ( I talk about Accessibility, screen readers, blindness, inclusive design, Fable, and more. I'm a life-long blind screen reader user. This is my account for professionally related toots; personal stuff is elsewhere.