shitpostalotl (they/he)

Open on

Internet user and axolotl appreciator
Do not interact: Conservatives, American Libertarians, Fans of Modern-Day China's Government, bigots of any sort
if i ever make a request for phisical affection you can be sure that i mean it platonically. eg cuddleing as shorthand for platonic cuddleing.


goto: blackle

I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its

Yule Enby

I'm Forever (they/them)! I'm a lonely disabled transgender agender aroace who's also grey-platonic and grey-romantic.

Go away if you're a(n):
- Aphobe
- Ableist
- Exclusionist
- “Morals on Internet ≠ real-life morals” person
- Minors DNI person
- Twitter newcomer
- FOSS bro
- “I don't see race, disability, etc.” person
- Person who will lewd or flirt at me
- Person who will call me an anarchist
- Not nice person
- Non-ally/white allocishet
- Police :acab:
Please interact with me and DM me to follow me.

Languages: en, some de, learning sv.

I word things incorrectly sometimes.
I'm a turtle! (on the astral plane, in meatspace I'm just another human)
Jag har Svenska Onsdagar, på onsdagar jag ska toota på svenska :)
I joined fedi on March 26, 2021. I was here a while before this eternal November :)