goto: blackle

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I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its



19, plushie, girlboss twitter refugee, my name needs a line break, she/her/good girl


programmer; i like idris, but also F#, reasonml, haskell and others.


Former physicist, turned data scientist for the NHS.
Interested in philosophy, AI / ML, and sci-fi.


Software engineer from Australia


Collector/restorer of retro computers and game consoles, admirer of mid-century architecture and industrial design.


🎇 Somehow Is A C Expert ✨ Smooches Unicode-kun 💕 The C Standard Cannot Be Replaced And Will Never Be Destroyed. 🧟‍♀️ Pixel Art is Cool ✨

Eli-Aleth :blobcatcomfy:

White TME.
I do like to do stuff like coding, writing and drawing but, I'm too insecure.
I have a degree on kindergarten teaching!
Loving witchcraft since 2017. Same year I started working on my english!!
Survivor of traumatic stuff since childhood, dedicated most of my 20's to recover. Still working on it.

I am disabled, mentally ill, autistic and ADHDer. Also fat. And cute.
I'm acearo, bi and trans nonbinary.

No flirting pls. Read pinned toots!



I don't know what I'm doing most of the time.

I have been trying not to complain as much recently.

Mostly I just share stuff that I find interesting.

#pizza #music #randomness


Hobby mathematician, professional machine learning engineer.

#math , #python , #linux


I've returned!



PhD student in artificial intelligence and computer engineering
Bachelor in Physics
Master of dabbing

Wants for life to be more exciting

Interested in art, physics, AI, math, philosophical logic, narrative, and bad puns

Fritz Adalis

Infosec Lurker | Technical Debt Collector


genderqueer grognard.

forgetful; may need reminding. may not understand social cues / sarcasm / irony / shitposting / joking tone. please be patient.

affection + flirting OK 😊

replies ≠ favorites ≠ follows ≠ agreement. boosts ≠ an endorsement of the person i'm boosting. tag me if you disagree with my cws. as much as I'd like to caption everything, i don't always have the energy to. please tell me if this affects you and I'll reply with a caption.
