goto: blackle

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I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its



Pip! I'm a mouse! I'm also plural! Sometimes I take over @amber's account >:3c

I use neopronouns!

Perfectly Spherical Trixe

honse whomst makes boomer shooters in spare time. on a journey to become completely unmarketable. cyberpunk is real, but only the shitty parts.


Cyborg Medusa

Big cringe energy ¦ Team Biji Biji

💪🏾 ❤️💛💚بژی بەرگریی کوردستان

You may send a follow request if you embrace that part of you that cringes.


Interested in anarchism, labor rights, queer liberation, trans rights, piracy, lambda calculus, state dismantling, neurodiversity, video games, and TV shows.

viv ⭐

⭐ computer goblin, maker, breadth-first scrappy problem solver. lots of rust, a dash of nix, and a sprinkling of many other things. she/her
⭐ software engineer @ microsoft (toots/opinions/etc are my own)
⭐ 💜 @itsonlythee
⭐ co-author of @StarHill and author of
⭐ on cohost if that's your jam. was on twitter at


pronounced Mastodon als wäre er ein Dino mit vorspringendem Oberkiefer.
Hat mehr Folgys auf Maftodon als Followys auf Twidder.

living in hell

nonbinary bisexual little guy • white, non-dis_abled • likes dnb, programming and video games • doesn't like the world outside

Floppy 💾

Inclusion, against-isms, FOSS, decentralisation, self-hosting, privacy, diy, art, and other things. The occaisonal meme, shower thought, or silly post.

Please check my recent posts to get an idea of the stuff I post about.

Mental health matters. Take care of yourself.

SFW, will CW. they/them, he/him is okay.

Always up for a chat! :)

I strive to be mindful and empathic, but I may not always succeed. If I mess up, please tell me and allow me to learn.

Fibonacci Reminder

[male] [cisgender] [white] [US] [Chicago] [en] [singlet] [autistic] [polyamorous] [highly amorous] [bisexual] [biromantic] [feedist]

Lacking in physical or spiritual refinement, innervated by a fear of isolation.


Interested in Haskell, Nix, anarchism, labor rights, queer liberation, mathematics, video games, and TV shows.

linear cannon

some girl who writes code sometimes
i live in the midwest and do tech things
i like old computers and weird operating systems and writing emulators
i have many girlfriends
sometimes i make music as 'ersatz waterfall'
consumerism is destructive
if you send me a follow request and you already follow me on twitter, or recently migrated instances, dm me so i know who you are