Chuck Pfarrer

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NUCLEAR ROULETTE: Sources now report that RU occupation forces in the Zaporizhzhia nuclear…

CROSS BORDER OP: An anti-Putin group called the Russian Volunteer Corps claimed its membe…

BAKHMUT CITY /1145 UTC 21 MAY/ RU control of the urban area will not materially change th…

CONSIDER THE SOURCE: Moscow attempts to scaremonger about the use of depleted uranium in t…

YOU CAN HELP: Your donations can deliver Starlink, mine detectors, helmets, night vision g…

NO PLACE TO HIDE: At 0400 (local) the HQ of the RU 102nd Separate Brigade in the occupied…

BUILD BACK BETTER: Vokzalna Street in Bucha was where UKR forces destroyed a column of RU…

TOXIC ATTACK? Police are investigating poisoning after a journalist and an activist repor…

MAKING LEMONADE: UKR’s Minister for Digital Transformation @FedorovMykhailo writes that Mo…

BAKHMUT CITY /2000 UTC 20 MAY/ Heavy urban combat continues in Bakhmut, with RU /Wagner fo…

R to @ChuckPfarrer: NOTE: 0600 (Local) reports of the Ukrainian Gen’l Staff still report h…

FLASH TRAFFIC/ UKR President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Sunday that Bakhmut was "only in our…