Chuck Pfarrer

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ALWAYS ON: The @MriyaReport is Twitter’s longest running space. We’ve been LIVE, 24/7, 36…

IT'S ON AT 7PM: Please join Alan Brewer @AlGGDirect, Doc Bites @no_mo_woe, Darryl @That_D…

KREMINNA AXIS /2110 UTC 16 MAR/ UKR forces great up Russian counter-attacks in southern ur…

BAKHMUT CITY /1745 UTC 16 MAR/ CRITICAL/ RU forces have made an important advance in the S…

BAKHMUT AXIS /1410 UTC 16 MAR/CRITICAL/ Russian forces have registered important gains in …

UNFRIENDLY SKIES: The US released video showing a Russian fighter colliding with an unman…

KREMINNA AXIS /0040 UTC 16 MAR/ RU attack on Nevske again repelled. UKR forces maintain co…

NFO WAR: If you’re confused about who sabotaged the Nordstream Pipeline, it’s because some…

BAKHMUT CITY/ 1915 UTC 15 MAR/ Positional fighting continues in Bakhmut urban area. UKR a…

MONEY CHANGES EVERYTHING: Adobe is one of scores of western corporations still doing busin…

THAT DIDN’T AGE WELL: RU has a long (and embarrassing) history of information warfare. …

THE ENEMY WITHIN: Ukraine’s security services arrested a Russian FSB agent in Kharkiv. He …