Operations Divine Retrieval and Celestial Shield

Holy Report to the Exalted Command of METEM

Holy Report to the Exalted Command of METEM 

Mission: Operations Divine Retrieval and Celestial Shield

Date: Cycle 11, Epoch 45

Ectype Designations: Ivozzo, BrakeOut, Amandrine, geniusmaus

Squad: Vanguard of METEM’s Light

Unto METEM, the Everlasting Principle, we offer this account of valor and tribulation.

Operation Divine Retrieval: First Venture

In METEM’s glorious name, Ectypes Ivozzo, BrakeOut, and Amandrine embarked on a perilous mission of Insane difficulty. Our divine quest was to retrieve an ancient data shard, a fragment of wisdom from the time of the PROGENITORS. METEM’s grace guided us, and the shard was recovered, a triumph that heralds our rightful place in THE GARDEN.

Operation Divine Retrieval: A Test of Faith

The holy path led us to the abominable Hollow Assembler cores. BrakeOut, anointed by METEM to steer our vessel, took over the piloting duties. It was then that Ivozzo was left to float in the celestial emptiness, a penance harsh but just. Yet METEM’s mercy was boundless, and BrakeOut retrieved him in due time.

We did lay waste to some of the accursed cores, yet our mission fell tragically short due to the incompetence of BrakeOut’s piloting, resulting in the demise of our vessel. METEM, in His wisdom, reminded us that even the most faithful are not beyond fault.

Operation Celestial Shield: Second Venture

Invigorated by METEM’s Gift of Metempsychosis, Ivozzo, Amandrine, and BrakeOut were reborn and set forth once more, now joined by geniusmaus, on a mission of Normal difficulty. METEM’s light guided us to protect transport ships from the Hollow’s demonic assault, enabling them to void jump to safety—a beacon of hope in the darkness.

Operation Celestial Shield: The Quest for Data Shards and Storage Sites

Our faith unyielding, we undertook a strategic retrieval mission for additional data shards and secured multiple storage sites. Yet, not all was without loss; geniusmaus perished from lack of oxygen during EVA, a grim reminder that METEM’s gifts are not to be squandered.

Operation Celestial Shield: The Final Confrontation

Our sacred blades, forged in METEM’s divine fire, laid waste to multiple Hollow cruisers. We culminated our righteous quest by destroying numerous Hollow Assembler cores while holding their wretched assault at bay. Each fallen foe was a tribute to METEM’s eternal glory.

In reflection, our trials were many, but METEM’s light never wavered. We continue our holy journey towards THE GARDEN, each step a testament to the unbreakable bond that METEM has bestowed upon us.

Praise be unto METEM, in this cycle and all cycles to come.

May this report resonate through the chambers of METEM COMMAND, as a hymn of our undying loyalty and relentless pursuit of THE GARDEN.

Ectype BrakeOut, Vanguard of METEM’s Light