Day 2 - Captain Aaron Clayton 

Our first character is the Mayor of Yric's Crossing

Aaron Clayton wasn’t born here, but he loves the place like he was.  He arrived many years ago, back when it was little more than a fortified inn at the only river crossing for miles, back when the land around was even wilder and more dangerous than it is today in these more civilised times.

His company, in which he was then a private, would set camp on the plains by the inn as a base for their scouts through this part of the land, at times for weeks or months, particularly through the winter.

Perhaps it was their presence that made the place begin to feel safe enough for others to begin settling; or maybe it was their coin that encouraged certain industries to blossom.  Maybe it was just that every monster slain, or outlaw captured made stopping and raising a family a little bit less risky.  Either way over the years, every time they came back through it seemed the place had grown.

As he rose through the ranks he became the officer who got to stay in the Inn rather than the fields, and then one day the town had become big enough to feel the need for their own lawman to keep order when the scouts were away.  He was the obvious choice and took the job when it was offered.

It came with the chance to settle, to marry, to raise children.  It wasn’t always safe, but it was safer than being out and about all the time.

The years passed, his reflexes slowed, his muscles sagged, his hair and beard grayed, and he knew it was time to hand the job on.  But he still felt the need to serve the place that had come to be his own, still he waited until the time came for the mayoral elections.

His knowledge of the lands and people of the town, his wisdom, his sense of right and justice had not gone unnoticed over the years.  It was a landslide, and has been the last two as well.  He thinks the may be his last term, but on a good day, with the sun shining the thought always comes back that maybe just one more wouldn’t hurt…

Aaron will welcome anyone who will help the town, but has no time or love for those who disrupt its runnings, or harm its citizens.

He is generally generous in his assessment of outsiders, but carries old prejudices against people groups and creatures against whom he used to fight.

Over the years he has made enemies of a number of criminals, outlaws etc. and lives with the knowledge that one day they may come seeking revenge.  He carries no fear of that for himself, but is afraid for his family on some level that he probably doesn’t recognise and certainly would never admit.