LJ Post 454317

- Originally posted to LiveJournal

I’m not amused or happy today, this cunting company can fuck right off and so can David too.

David has his new person in which means for some reason I’m caught dealing with everything and that isn’t on. His excuse is he wants to do shit with this new bloke, however, when I started here I pretty much hit the road running and fell flat on my fucking face.

And now the small shit is getting to me, like the fact I’ve been brushed off from the rest of the staff, I’m alone in an office in the new offices that are built and nobody but me is here and also nobody comes down this route so I see nobody and only get calls of bitching and moaning about shit I could really fucking care less about.

And it gets better, at somepoint (as per threats) I’ve been told that I’ll probably be heading up to Durham to attach their stupid ADSL, which I seriously don’t want to do and quite rightly. The excuse is that it would do this person “no good to his credit” if he was sent up. Really, fuck you! I was sent up to Manchester in my first week, I didn’t know shit, what about MY credit. Oh wait, I DON’T HAVE ANY HERE.

And now on top of everything my fucking overdraft is at £427 now, I’m not excatly sure how I’m going to make it through next month or at all now, my fucking car is due for all it’s shit and I, some how, need to pay my bills after June. That is of course if I have any money past June 1.

I know most, if not all of you, are probably saying that I put myself in this position, which is true, but how would you like to work somewhere that you know no matter what you do daily will fail because everybody around you makes that happen along with a manager who doesn’t listen to anything you tell him and he gets shitty when you “don’t say something” after saying it thousands of times prior.

This company has made me in to a blob, I’m always tired and never have any motovation in life because of the shit I need to deal with at this cunting place.

Fuck this company, fuck the people and fuck everything.
