LJ Post 420278

Im up for a glassing - Originally posted to LiveJournal

We’ve just got in two VoIP phones here which we’re hoping to use instead of our BT lines for various reasons.

My manager has spent togther about 3 hours fucking about with these phones trying to get them to work. Now I decided to do the smart thing halfway through (being about 30 minutes after starting) by switching from our primary connection to our BT ADSL line, then I used this to set up the phone and have it correctly working (I won’t spend the time explaining why it doesn’t work on our primary connection) and by correctly working I mean this phone is fully functional, there is nothing that doesn’t work and there is no debate the settings I’m using do or do not work.

But when I tried to point out the correct settings to him he says that’s trivial, you’re missing the point, we’re trying to get this to work on our Siemens (primary) connection [insert whining beyond this point] to which I just stepped back and said nothing, because if I had it would have come out “WHY DON’T YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DIE”.

He seems to think my logic of having the phone fully functioning first, then move it across to the Siemens connection knowing full well it is the connection that’s an issue not the hardware, is complete tosh and that I’m quite obviously stupid. Mainly because he didn’t figure it out.
