KitaitiMakoto KitaitiMakoto@fediverse.blog
A hobby programmer.
太平洋海岸公路 @pch_xyz@plume.seediqbale.xyz
a Claes unto himself 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 @clacke@libranet.de
鴉河雛 @karasu_sue@plume.korako.me
サーバ | アカウント | 備考 |
Mastodon | @karasu_sue@md.korako.me | Mastodonメインアカウント |
キュアスタ! | @precure@precure.ml | Mastodonプリキュアインスタンス |
Pleroma de korako | @karasu_sue@ple.korako.me | Pleromaテスト鯖 |
Reco | @karasu_sue@reco.shrieker.net | 録画機器系インスタンス |
Matrix | @karasu_sue:matrix.fedibird.com |
Open Science 🧪 @openscience@mastodon.social
Science must be opened — because science opens everything else! Sapere aude!
Boosts are most welcome 👍
#science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy #UnrestrictedFreeSpeech
Manuel @manusaurio@wandering.shop
1991. Random toots about photography, art, shower thoughts, programming, weeb stuff.
Previosuly @manusaurio
KelsonV @KelsonV@wandering.shop
Techie, software developer, hobbyist photographer, sci-fi/fantasy & comics fan in the Los Angeles area. He/him.
African Dissident @bushgrad@pleromazela.world
African pol dissident
Poitical l Psychologist
| The ideal |
human felicity throughout human society
| The right of all people |
The attainment of independence, freedom,
and the rule of justice and truth
Cochise @cochise@social.pesso.al
A profile to follow and discuss #ActivityPub matters
Alchimiste marin @Alchimiste_marin@mamot.fr
Profil principal: @alchimiste
Passionné de technologie, marin. Intéressé par la politique, je partage ce qui m’intéresse, cela ne signifie pas que j’approuve
mirrorwitch @mirrorwitch@transmom.love
something like a tired femby. hates computers and FOSS. perpetually pining for the depths of the boundless sea. trans anarchist. barbaric umbanda cultist with the Razor Blade collective, doing possession, tarot, emojimagick, gender spells, and coffee sugar divination. holds as a theological position that spirit makes itself flesh because our purpose is to vibe with friends.
this is my private alt, for public agitprop see @ramona.
avatar: Pbelt Witchsona picrew
Vitus Wagner @vitus@blog.wagner.pp.ru
- My old website
- My blog at dreamwidth
lthms @lthms@social.soap.coffee
I don’t like syntax highlighting. Distributed under the terms of the AGPLv3.