World Business Challenge

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#Citizens of this #World, should use #Ethics and #Morals to have a stable #community relationship. This #Challenge, is focused in all #Business of this world. Individuals or #groups #pride, who represent one or more #Brands. This challenge have three sites and three licenses. The #Artistic one, is where lives the global #License and the description of this challenge. I am looking for #Developers to build this #dream, that should be implemented in #reality for the benefit of all. #America #Asia #Africa #India #Europe. Enjoy the #Music, the #Poetry, the Site, or the #Code.

Note: "We don't need security, but functionality" !!



Moody Cat, aber interessiert an TwitchBots, Smarthome, Retrocomputing und Retrokonsolen.

Aktuell verbringe ich viel Zeit mit dem Twitch-Bot MixItUp und versuche mit Streamern faszinierende Ideen auf die Beine zu stellen.