
Open on

Sysadmin / Amateur radio / Telecom at large scale for a living.

Mostly random things, music, tech, ...


That Other Sean (parody)

Father of two elementary school age boys living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Originally from Silicon Valley. Playing life on the easiest setting (white/cis/het). Atheist and anti-authoritarian. I make robot taxicabs.

Boosts = endorsement.



Admin of - Infosec curious, automation enthusiast. Former Ubuntu and Kubernetes contributor. #nobot

Random follow requests with no context (eg never interacted before) will be rejected.

Eloísa & them Seagulls

I create #Photography & #Poetry when I'm not upsetting uptight allistic ppl with my autistic bluntness.

Also into making #AIart these days. :3

:queercat_ace: :queercat_nb: :queercat_pan: :queercat_polyam: :queercat_pride:

* MS * ADHD * ASD *

They / She / Kitten

#NoBot #fedi22

Anne Erickson

Radio host on Detroit's WRIF. Also, musician, podcast host, author and metal lover.

Mike T

I make weird stuff and I want to show it to you.

Project Director of Among Us VR plus a bunch of stuff I wished you cared more about.


An injury to one is an injury to all.

Has been kicked in the head by Michael W. Lucas

Not a Doctor.

Pronouns: He/Him

Mr. Scott Aron John Reynolds

Sufferer Of #WristInstability / #CarpalInstability With Old #TFCC #TFC Tear/s,With: #MidCarpalInstability , & #RSD #CRPSNOS :/ :(


I'M OPEN & TALK ABOUT MY #MENTALHEALTH , #BPD / #EUPD With: #MDD / #MajorDepressiveDisorder Of Moderate To Severe Cycles ,& LIFE :)

I Am #Gay / #LGBT Family :)

I Was Born In 1984 & Gives My Age Every Year Too :)

Joined Mastodon In 25th-26th Of April 2022, Like Many I've Come From Twitter,As Not Sure About Elon

Carey Lening

I'm just a girl in the world.

Strong interests in Data Protection and Privacy, technology and policy.

Extremely online.

Lover of cats, beer, coffee, learning things, travel and getting into trouble.

Senior Catsultant at Castlebridge.

La Mouette :verified:

Des formats ouverts dans une bureautique libre ! - Nous sommes la plus grande association francophone pour la bureautique libre sur ordi, web et mobile 🤗

MattermostFR :verified:

Compte officiel de la communauté francophone @Mattermost • Du support communautaire et des actualités dans la langue de Molière ! 🧭 • CM : @wget

wget :verified:

👨‍💻 Just a tech | @CollaboraOffice@arawa@LaMouetteODF@MattermostFR • ArchLinux • | 📝 Views expressed here are my own | 🔑 PGP:

Don Edwards

Dad, InfoSec pro, and martial artist. I do security and identity work for Amazon Web Services, but speak only for myself. Always happy to talk about security stuff. Texan transplanted to Ireland. #heforshe (he/him) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ ally