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Sysadmin / Amateur radio / Telecom at large scale for a living.

Mostly random things, music, tech, ...


Doole Giles

mind over matter

🏴 Greg Sideyr 🐀

Greg, from the twitter. i'm a #NetworkEngineer, starting in the AF, and the last few years working for manufacturing and distribution companies, but currently moving to healthcare. i like music, i'm a #parent, and i'm #adhd af. i start all kinds of fun and interesting projects, and promptly forget them.

dragonage stole my name

#GregTunes for daily (or more than daily) songs
#GregBooks for the books I read

#sff #punk #altcountry #networking #diy #audiodrama #podcasts #music #AthensGA #bbq #AtlantaHockey #tattoos #nonbinary #TransRights #gin #ginfosec #genealogy #colorblind #WorldOfWarcraft #kayaking (mostly #flatwater, some #whitewater)

Carey Lening

Come for the cat pics and snark, stay for the #privacy rants and musings on #dataprotection #law and #policy.


now @andraste

interests: #HamRadio #linux #arch #3DPrinting #photography #BackyardChickens #VideoGames #HomeAutomations #HomeAssistant #HomeSecurity #Privacy

Technician class ham license, very slowly working on General. Also very slowly studying for CCNA for fun and #homelab use and a general interest in #InfoSec. Casually try my hand at music via #FLStudio. One day I'll properly learn #Python but that's also a work in progress.

For work I mostly deal with #ediscovery and everything surrounding it.



Troubadour of Nowhere.

Do something different today. I dare you. Break your routine.

Whattup you neon raccoons, hydrogen ghouls, changelings, and everyday Nowhere punks? Doctor Deathray coming at you live on the radio waves surfing all the thin spots.

I'm a musician, audio engineer, and general odd person. Often I make bad choices.

DJ Sundog

One of the administrators of

Fan of all sorts of music.


Constantly learning about computers and security. I have a sometimes blog about that here:
Jack of all trades, master of none yet. And well aware I need another blog post about learning.

#MountainBike and cycle enthusiast. I keep intending to get into trail advocacy or cycling advocacy... but then life happens.
I have a sometimes blog about biking here:


Mathematics Ph.D. Likes hanging out with almost everyone regardless of political views or anything else.

Pleroma: @mathlover

Andrew M

Linux user since 1998. Pants are weird. He or they or whatever.

Ryan (99 Cooking)

Grad student studying computer architecture and DSP, working as a physical design engineer on computer processors. I really like networks and distributed systems as well.