Pörsön vitö Pörpös kirjis@polyglot.city

Open on polyglot.city

From Finland, in Tenerife. The artist known as Kumikäki: https://kum1k4k1.bandcamp.com/

I work freelance in EN->FI translation and localization. I've also been a photographer (weddings & hospital pg), a software engineer @ IBM, a food importer, lab tech in a virology lab, phonetics researcher and an image editor in a large newspaper.

Native FI, good enough EN, sort of SV, smattering of others.

Possessiivimuffinsin ystävät ry:n ideologinen isä.

Demonstratiivipronominini ovat tämä, tuo ja se.


🕯 tomb owl 💀 @owl@gts.u8.is

Ugla frá barrskógabeltinu.
Uggla från tajgan.
Owl from the taiga.

Please interact before sending a follow request. ♥️

I live in Norrland with my heartfriend Krummi and our adopted children.
I like forests, lakes, fells, languages, synths.

🏳️‍⚧️ Agender autist. ♾️