
Open on

Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Personal blog:


🦩 Alexia Powder 🦩


Unlike others I don't want to destroy pink, I just want it to be just another colour option.

Hay quienes quieren destruir el rosa, otras queremos que solo sea un color más.

Gestora de la 🌺 Lindocracia 🏖️ de Lili.


Padre de un vikingo terremoto. Ingeniero de software en @microsoft. pianista, amante de mi mujer, de la literatura y de la música. Opinions Are My Own.

Happy Shota

New to Fedi, probably won't post very often. Just interested in seeing what people have to say.


Marta Torre 💢

👩‍💻 Desarrolladora web freelance
🥩 Sobaos, birras y txuletones
♀ Feminista y activista
⚖️ Política
🎮 Gamer sin carnet
🎧 Audiófila y rap
🎵 Cultura del Hip Hop
🌎 Changing the world
🚴‍♀️ Bikes y movilidad
🖥️ Open Source
💼 Freelance
🌈 She/Her

#accesibility #sustainability #opensource #linux #development #freelance #wordpress #urbanism #ethics #politics #feminism #myopinions


Disabled. Neurodivergent.
Interdisciplinary Creative.
Intersectionality in everything.

Shy bunny

wildlife photographer
transbian (she/her)
hypothetically polyamorous
socialist, warm to anarchist thinking
code bunny (video & embedded)
probably near London or SF

(Banner image is a 90's style squiggle in trans flag colors. Icon is a bust of me as a cybernetic hare, artwork by Djinni)

Follow requests can take me a very long time to deal with.


Perdimos 13 años en Twitter

Marta S.

:blobcat_mlem: :flag_rainbow: :flag_transgender: :flag_asexual: :ms_crt_green_lines: :verified:
#retro8bits #speccy #CPC #C64 #MSX
#latte #deathgrowl #metal

I wrote a ZX Spectrum emulator by myself!

Sapoconcha Tradutora

Algo bióloga e moi tradutora (GL, ES, EN).
Adicta a aprender idiomas. As palabras teñen cores.
Ela, ella, she/her, 她.

Kat Moss

Amateur pianist and lover of all things tech. programming languages: C#, Powershell, Python. Operating systems: Windows and OpenSUSE. Guides: Odin, Frigg, and various Fae. I love and respect all beings whether human, Fae, deity, or otherwise. The time will come when technologists and environmentalists can work together.