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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Personal blog:


Kol B

Aquí estoy al fin, llevándome una buena sorpresa. Interesado en aprender, picando de muchas cosas. El conocimiento me persigue pero yo soy más rápido.
"Lo que sea que hice, lo hice por los loles".


Apassionada dels viatges🗺, friki🧚🏻‍♀️, familia expat vivint a Irlanda👨‍👩‍👦🦮🦮´, i cega👩‍🦯
Devoradora de llibres, sobretot literatura fantàstica i novel·la històrica.
Passionate about travel, expat family living in Ireland, freaky, and blind.
Devourer of books, especially fantasy and historical novels.

mannaz / मनीषा

Mealybug murderer and hater of whatever it is that’s killing the lemon plant 😡

#Neuroscientist by training, Independent #DataScientist by profession, trying to not be boxed by these labels though..

Pronouns: she/her

Interested in #Sustainability, #ScientificReform, #AcademicReform, #PublicPolicy, #Cooperatives, #FOSS, #governance

Democratizing science @ #neuromatch


Software engineer, socialist.


who the fuck am I? I'll tell you when I find out

I'm always right: I'm the admin of, and I'm a cat. 🐱


Ya por aquí con el mismo usuario de twitter para que se me reconozca.

Attorney, abogado, avocat in California at TRE Legal Practice (disability discrimination/civil rights law). I 💌 FOI. No legal advice!
Former PhD Candidate in the history of science (historical impact of technology on U.S. privacy law), adjunct, web developer, sysadmin.
Comms in English, español, français.
#Law #Legal #LegalTech #History #STS #Disability #DisabilityLaw #CivilRights #Privacy #Lawtwitter #Lawtoots #LawFedi #Histodons #fedi22

Rynhardt Kruger

Blind programmer and researcher in voice computing, developing speech applications for the South African context. Passionate about open source, the open web, accessibility and disability rights. Kidney transplant 2019-07. I also enjoy reading (especially high fantasy and sci-fi), dancing (ballroom and latin), tinkering with sound, good coffee, and good beer.


Autor | Leyendo, pensando, escribiendo ✍️

📙 Marco Valerio debe morir (2016)
📕 El misterio del umbral (2019)
📑 La ruina del alma (4vol, en proceso)


⚔️ A veces roleo cosas
🤘 Metal is forever


Mucho texto


Pues qué queréis que os diga, me sigue dando pereza escribir otra biografía. Qué le vamos a hacer.