Triss (the t stands for tired)

Open on

Hacker girl and server maid who likes messing with old home computers and consoles. Social justice #WaterDrinker . EE/hardware security student. White.

Please don't lewd at me or flirt with me, but hugs and headpats are very welcome.

Follow requests welcome, just making sure you're not fash, bigoted or an automated followbot (I mean come on don't sound like a channer or post or boost transphobia and expect me to accept your follow req).

.i mi selbau ru'e la lojban



goto: blackle

I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its

~tess~ (fae/faer)

cute and funny cat eat a bepis

@pastelpunkbandit is my GIRLFRIEND!!!

weird dinosaur 🐲

21 | gay for @rawtess
fae / she / they