haskal ~Haskal@write.lain.faith
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haskal's personal blog
ramblings about computers sucking, haskal tech tips™, software, reverse engineering, and general hackery from your favorite cyberfae catdragon
Latest articles
leverage redemption part 2 gen 2x2
spoilers!!!!!! (s01e09-11)
dagn tech tips: eta(1)
get the progress of literally anything in your terminal
repairing the pinephone
the only phone which you can repair without getting sued in 2021
leverage: redemption so far
it's a very distinctive show
dagn tech tips: sending SMS with the terminal
rerr hackig
shadowrun: dragonfall
while i'm on nontechnical media stuff.....
CPA 2: the CPAening
assume spherical sidechannel
correlation power analysis from scratch
numpy :blobcatreach: